Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 12: Welcome to Kunming and Stone Forest

Kunming is a nice tropical area so for the first day in two weeks we had beautiful sun and warm weather. The only activity for the day was going to the Stone Forest. On the way our guide gave us the introduction of Kunming and the area. It’s about 7 million people and is home to a ton of minority groups. He said of the 55 minority groups in China 22 of them live in the Kunming area. It’s also one of the worst cities for traffic but all cities in china are bad for traffic. They’re a well off area though, about half the families own a car, whereas most other cities the ratio is closer to 1 in 10. Still a couple million cars in one city will lead to some horrific rush hours. He said he was stuck in traffic with a friend one time. They watched as the lady got out of the car in front of them, walked over to the noddle shop, ate some noodles and came back 20 minutes later where no one had moved at all.

Stone Forest in Kunming

The Stone Forest was beautiful and very appropriately named. It’s this collection of giant stones that literally just pop out of the ground like trees. It’s very very cool. I wish we had had more time to explore there. It was very cool though, one of the local minority groups was in the middle of its spring festival so there were people everywhere dressed in traditional costumes and children in colorful hats and it was super cute.

That night there was an optional performance on at the theater. We had the option to see several shows throughout the trip but they all cost like 200yuan and I hadn’t budgeted for that sort of expense in every city (and of course they claim that every single show is the best show in China!) This one caught my attention though because it was longer than the rest of them (two hours long instead of just one), it had won actual awards and had toured internationally so I figured this might be the one actually worth seeing. (I heard the show we missed in Guilin with the lights was also spectacular for future reference) The show was called “Shangrila Dynamic Yunnan” it was a show that featured different songs and dances from the various minority groups in the area.

The star of the show was this lady, when I saw her picture on the brochure she was so skinny I thought it was photo shopped. But no, after the show we found out she had actually had surgery to remove two of her ribs to attain that skinny super curvy look. She was pretty spectacular though, she could twist and dance like no one I’ve ever seen. The other sort of star was this little girl they used in several of the acts, she was the cutest darn thing that ever happened. The last act of the show was this peacock dance which was one of the most elegant things I’ve ever seen. It was a fantastic show. 

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